Generosity and Unexpected Kindness


For this post, I had the idea to search for stories of random acts of kindness that have been recorded from all around the world and found several that encouraged me. I have attached four videos here and I understand if you do not have time to watch them all. I urge you to at least watch a couple. These videos show the generosity that these people showed and often, it wasn’t intended for applause. In the first video, the man is only known by his first name, which shows how he wanted to be extremely generous without expecting recognition for himself. In the first video, the man gave away $1000 to strangers behind him in line and in the following videos, people show kindness in different ways. One man gave homeless people haircuts while others gave freely in other means. Please be encouraged by these videos. Once you have finished these, scroll down for something else I want to mention.

I am sure that everyone has heard about sharing kindness and how it can make you feel better, but it is very true. The impact that you leave from one simple action can continue to affect others like a domino effect. This short animated video below shows how one action lead to another by each life touching another. It may seem simple, but this video is very cute and sometimes to understand something we need to simplify it to the point that we understand its power. (I will not go into that right now, because that’s a thought for another post, but enjoy this video.)

This video is hinting at a movement that we can choose to be a part of. Our kindness colors the world with happiness. It begins a thought process in our minds to look for ways that we can encourage others by a simple action.

I hope that you are encouraged by this thought,

Until Tomorrow,


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