Journey by Road

#164 We are traveling to visit a college which is approximately four hours from where I live. It has not been a challenging trip so far. I completed the remaining schoolwork that I had to do and then began writing on a post that will be released tomorrow. I read some in the book “The…


Special post about something I did this week and the “For the Weekend…” picks.

Frillen (Part 6)

Enjoy the next part in this series. It is a real thrill. I think you will enjoy it!

The Unreachable Woods

#159 Here is an interesting story that you might enjoy. I wrote this tale for an English assignment this past October and enjoyed constructing this. Enjoy! In the distance, a setting sun reminds me that this wild day has almost finished. I remember waking up this morning as usual, while holding no idea of the…


Good and bad. It’s our job to discern which each piece of advice given to us actually is.

Seasons of the Year as Seasons of Life (Winter)

#157 This is a topic that was placed on my mind and I wrote about this past year. I hope it blesses your soul. Enjoy! Seasons of the year as Seasons of Life (and how they correlate) [Winter] The seasons rapidly pass us by, we can choose to follow and change with them, the recognition…


#156 I have been releasing a series of posts on this topic of life and thoughts that one might have. “Thinking about Thinking” was one post in this series, which I followed up with a post about my current life, which I hope to look back at later to remember my current interests in the…

Nighttime Sun

Welcome back to “Captured”, a series of photographs

The Wonder

#152 Being at a loss for words when trust is revealed to you is amazing. An overflowing amount of joy floods your life as you feel “blown away” by the awe and amazement of something. Almost as if you were watching a movie and see the plot twist except in real life with a more…


#151 Today I would like to briefly give a summary of what I am currently interested in and some brief details. I want to express things that are on my mind for this particular day. Name: Eric Grade: 12th grade Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Chili Currently Reading: “The Children of Hurin”…

Thinking about thinking.

#150 When I was young, I remember pondering thoughts that I might have when I was older. I thought about thinking back on that time in my life but yet then, I was thinking about the future me, (who was looking at the past me). You can imagine that this became confusing and I can…

The devil is ignorant……

#149 Every trick, scheme and scandal is common, basic and familiar. Satan can’t think of any new ideas obviously. Why do we fall for his temptations? Several reasons can influence us but some might be peer pressure, spiritual weakness, confusion and other conditions. Don’t let the devil win with his simple tactics. God created us…

a “small” miracle

#148 I apologize for the delay of these posts, I have been extremely busy the past couple days but am able to post now. Yesterday evening I was called in to my workplace, (I work at a fast food restaurant). Within 15 minutes, I had to travel 20 minutes + iron my uniform = Slightly…


True trust is….

Daily log.

Read this account of my busy day! 😀