The End of Daily Blogs


Sadly, this is not click-bait. I have procrastinated writing this post for several days because of how challenging it is for me. I have grown so fond of this site and the thrill of writing a post every single day. It has been challenging, but it’s complete. Upon starting this site, I had thought that I would write daily until around this approximate time. At different points, I have thought about different ideas, but I feel like this is the right choice.

I have had such wonderful memories from blogging and am thrilled to know that the impact they have had is real. My life has become busy with working my summer job five days a week, taking an online college class now and then planning to study on- campus in the Fall.

250 Posts written in 250 days! I remember imagining the day I would finally list the total amount of posts in the same amount of days.

Writing this post is not easy. My heart is aching as I type these words. I will be completing the posts up to this point for the daily blogs but then I will not be as active on publishing. I will try to post as I have time and am given an idea. Sometimes it may be weekly, while others it is two back to back posts, but I do not intend to leave entirely.

I hope that you are not discouraged as I am. Everything that I have written on here is still applicable. I have written about how I believe that the words that we leave behind can hold great power. Now is the time to see if these posts can continue to touch lives. For anyone who may be reading any of these words in the future, I want you to know that these truths are still valid. I will continue to try to live with the mindset I have established on this blog.

Again, I do not intend to allow this site to die away. I want to continue to write posts but I cannot really keep up the pace that I once published at. I would rather release posts that are true and powerful rather than rushed and potentially short entries. While I did enjoy the variety on this blog (Captured, Fictional Friday, For the Weekend posts, etc.), I can focus on a post and developing it over several days. Now, I can conduct research on the topic and try to release a post with much thought. God has given me ideas throughout this journey that I can never be too thankful for and I hope that He continues to touch me with future thoughts as well.

I have started and completed a story on this blog: “The Mysterious Space”, which I will be editing, revising and releasing as one continuous novel in the future. You can read the original text on the stories tab now though:   I also plan to continue to write in the story “Frillen” and have had fun with “Two Lives”, as well. I will try to post updates as I can. 🙂

I do not want to say goodbye, but rather give a nod to what has been able to be accomplished because of God and all of the readers to encourage me. Thank you soooooo much! It has helped me achieve this goal and I can never express my gratitude in a way to explain the level that it has touched me. I hope that you will continue to read the future posts!

Here are some of my favorite posts released in the past 250 days (Daily Blogs)

The Writer’s Block

stories that walk.

What if you were in their place?

Fiction is not just for Children

Thinking about thinking.

Don’t look down on your childhood

Do you need a hand.

Time passes and we cannot stop it.

No one can intimidate you.

Sunny Sunday?

Whether you read those or not, I wanted to share them here to acknowledge some of the amazing ideas that, not by me, but because of God, have been shared on this blog.

I have been sharing special posts about the progress of this blog by categorizing them and you can now view the “reflection” posts by clicking on this link:

Again thank you and I hope to write some more posts soon!

Until the next time,




2 Comments Add yours

  1. Maddy says:

    I totally understand the need to focus on other things. You’ve accomplished so much with this blog! Great job! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. dailysonb says:

      Thank you so much! It means a lot.


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