Use Wisdom


I was reading in a book recently titled: “Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament: The Wisdom of God”. I really liked reading through this book and found some profound advice.

When we try to discern whether we or someone we know has heard from God about a specific subject, we should follow some steps.

-Does it follow God’s Word (The Bible)

-Does it leave a positive impact or does it harm another

-Do you think that Jesus would be doing this if He were in your position?

If any of these answers are “no”, then I would be very cautious about making such a decision. False advice is the worst type of help that there is. In the end, it can lead to suffering. When you receive any advice from anyone, make sure that it passes the steps listed above.

If someone came to you with a wild notion and claimed that God told them do something but didn’t give any scripture reference or anything else, what would you do?

I recommend praying about it carefully before agreeing with the person concerning the topic. I am not trying to say to always be doubtful that anyone had heard from God, but it would be a tragedy to believe something false.

Base your life off of what the Bible says and be attentive if God is trying to speak to you. Don’t let the words that someone else says or claims to have heard, be the root of your Faith.

God will never contradict His word. We know that this is true.

What I am trying to say is be wise about what you hear from others and make sure that you believe in Jesus’ name and NOT the words of another human.

I really enjoyed reading a portion in this book and will probably be sharing more from it later.

Until Tomorrow,


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